2012 Bill Hensley Memorial Run N Slam
All Star Classic
Boys Freshman-To-Be, Sophomores-To-Be, Juniors-To-Be, & Seniors-To-Be
Spiece Fieldhouse & Area Schools
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
May 4-6, 2012
© 2012 Ron Harrison
Boys Freshman-To-Be There were twenty four teams in this division. They were divided into six pools as follows: Pool 49: Spiece Indy Heat, Hidden Gems Black, Team NLP, and Team Lima Black 2016. Pool 50: Mac Irvin Fire, All Ohio Elite, MBA Select, and Spiece Gym Rats Kuhn. Pool 51: Team Blaze Select, North Rim, Illinois Wolves, and All Ohio Red. Pool 52: Central Ohio Knights, Spiece Gym Rats Strine, NW Ohio, and Meanstreets Blue Chips. Pool 53: Michigan Titans, Spiece Gym Rats Davidson, Spiece Hustle, and DB Hoops Fredricks. Pool 54: Grand Rapids Storm, Ohio Varsity, Meanstreets Fleming, and R.E.A.C.H. Legends.
Boys Sophomores-To-Be There were sixty four teams in this division. They were divided into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 33: Mac Irvin Fire, Team Work, I-90 Elite, and Eric Gordon Central Stars. Pool 34: Illinois Wolves, Grand Rapids Storm Orange, NW Ohio, and The Family. Pool 35: Seattle Rotary, Uplay Canada, Ohio Varsity, and Spiece Indy Heat Reamer. Pool 36: Playground Elite, Who Got Game Clark, Chicago Lockdown, and Dorians Pride. Pool 37: Camp Darryl 2015, MBA Select Black, Ohio Gators Orange, and Meanstreets Buggs. Pool 38: King James Shooting Stars I, R.E.A.C.H. Legends, Fieldhouse Elite Lightning, and Waterloo Wildhawks. Pool 39: Basketball Paradise, Indians Elite Blaze 2015, Ohio Basketball Club, and Spiece ECI. Pool 40: ACB Bank Hoops, Indiana Elite Team Indiana, All Ohio Black, and West Michigan Lakers. Pool 41: Wisconsin Bulldogs, Meanstreets Nunn, Grassroots Indiana 2015, and Macomb County Cougars DeJesus. Pool 42: Michigan Mustangs, Team Blaze Select, King James Shooting Stars II, and Rising Stars Red. Pool 43: Next Level, Who Got Game Dennis, Camp Darryl North 2015, and All Ohio Purple. Pool 44: TP Elite, West Michigan Lakers White, MBA Select Green, and LW Explosion. Pool 45: Grand Rapids Storm Blue, All Ohio White, Peoria Irish, and Team NLP LJ. Pool 46: DB Hoops Williams, Macomb County Cougars Webb, Spiece Hoosier Hoops, and Ohio Varsity White. Pool 47: Indiana Elite Orange, Hidden Gems Black, Who Got Game Locklear, and Wisconsin Playground Warriors. Pool 48: Iowa Barnstormers, Ohio Gators White, Randolph Boys Club, and All Ohio Red.
Boys Juniors-To-Be There were sixty four teams in this division. They were divided into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 17: Iowa Barnstormers, Camp Darryl 2014, Uplay Canada, and Mac Irvin Fire. Pool 18: The Family, Team Blaze Select, Louisville Magic, and Illinois Wolves. Pool 19: Meanstreets Wilburn, Cincinnati Phenoms, Clutch Players Navy, and Eric Gordon All Stars. Pool 20: Playground Elite, I-90 Elite, Spiece Gym Rats Helmke, and All Ohio Red. Pool 21: Team Work, Spiece Indy Ice Thompson, ACB Bank Hoops, and Illinois Attack. Pool 22; Ohio Varsity White, MBA Black, King James Shooting Stars, and R.E.A.C.H. Legends. Pool 23: Spiece Indy Heat Lands, Camp Darryl North 2014, DW Wildcats, and Michigan Mustangs Barrett. Pool 24: Macomb County Cougars, Ohio Gators, World Class Basketball, and Randolph Boys Club Blue. Pool 25: NW Ohio, Grand Rapids Storm Orange, Dorians pride, and Team Illinois. Pool 26: Hidden Gems Black, Grand Rapids Storm Blue, West Michigan Lakers White, and Mid-Ohio Blue. Pool 27: DB Hoops Blanks, MBA Green, Rising Stars Red II, and Ohio Basketball Club. Pool 28: Rising Stars Red I, Michigan Mustangs Mayfield, WI Starz, and Peoria Irish. Pool 29: Indiana Fire, Michigan Madness, Basketball Paradise Blue, and Meanstreets Ross. Pool 30: Shining Star Sports Blue, Basketball Paradise White, Randolph Boys Club White, and Team NLP JF. Pool 31: DB Hoops Gensley, Michigan Titans, Indiana Elite I, and Seattle Rotary. Pool 32: West Michigan Lakers Purple, Indiana Elite Hawk, Shining Star Sports Black, and TP Elite.
Boys Seniors-To-Be There were sixty four teams in this division. They were divided into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 1: Spiece Indy Heat, I-90 Elite, Ohio Varsity, and Mac Irvin Fire. Pool 2: Fieldhouse Elite Prospects, Waterloo Wildhawks, West Michigan Lakers, and WI Blizzard. Pool 3: MBA 2013, Ohio Basketball Club, Spiece Northwest Stars, and Team NLP MA. Pool 4: Next Level, Ohio Venom, Grand Rapids Storm Blue, and Spiece North Stars. Pool 5: The Family, Indiana Elite Stars, Clutch Players Silver, and Illinois Wolves. Pool 6: Hidden Gems Black, Team Yoke, Chi-Town Diablos, and Grand Rapids Storm Orange. Pool 7: Team Work, Camp Darryl 2013, 43 Hoops, and King James Shooting Stars. Pool 8: Cincinnati Phenoms, NW Ohio, Randolph Boys Club, and Rising Stars Red II. Pool 9: Indiana Elite Dakich, Macomb County Cougars, All Ohio Red, and Dorians Pride. Pool 10: Iowa Barnstormers, Danny Granger D1 Ambassadors, Spiece Gym Rats 2013 Adams, and ACB Bank Hoops. Pool 11: Rising Stars Red I, Ohio Aces, Michigan Mustangs, and Peoria Irish. Pool 12: Indiana Elite Black, Martins Wolverines, Bulls Premier, and R.E.A.C.H. Legends. Pool 13: Playground Elite, Illinois Attack, Shining Star Sports Schaefer, and Seattle Rotary. Pool 14: Club Elite Wildcats, DB Hoops Marshall, Spiece Higher Level, and Toledo Panthers. Pool 15: ACB Black, Hidden Gems White, WI Starz Elite, and Team NLP TL. Pool 16: Franklin All Stars, Mustang Ballers, The Warriors, and Wisconsin Swing.
Saturday May 5th
Tournament Bracket
Boys Freshman-To-Be (Gold Division)
DB Hoops Fredricks |
won |
Spiece Gym Rats Kuhn |
lost |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Spiece Gym Rats Davidson |
lost |
Michigan Titans |
won |
Central Ohio Knights |
lost |
MBA Select |
won |
Team NLP |
lost |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
North Rim |
lost |
NW Ohio |
won |
Ohio Varsity |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
DB Hoops Fredricks |
lost |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Meanstreets Blue Chip |
lost |
All Ohio Elite |
won |
Michigan Titans |
lost |
MBA Select |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Spiece Gym Rats Strine |
won |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
lost |
Team Lima Black 2016 |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm |
lost |
Spiece Hustle |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Meanstreets Fleming |
lost |
Boys Sophomores-To-Be (Silver Division)
Ohio Gators |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Hidden Gems Black |
won |
Camp Darryl 2015 |
lost |
Fieldhouse Elite Lightning |
won |
Macomb County Cougars Webb |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
won |
Ohio Basketball Club |
lost |
All Ohio Black |
won |
LW Explosion |
lost |
Wisconsin Bulldogs |
won |
Camp Darryl North 2015 |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Rising Stars Red |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Macomb County Cougars DeJesus |
lost |
Ohio Varsity |
won |
West Michigan Lakers Purple |
lost |
Spiece ECI |
won |
Next Level |
lost |
MBA Select Green |
won |
Waterloo Wildhawks |
lost |
All Ohio White |
won |
Ohio Gators Orange |
lost |
Spiece Hoosier Hoops |
won |
Who Got Game Clark |
lost |
Uplay Canada |
won |
Who Got Game Locklear |
lost |
Dorians Pride |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
Randolph Boys Club |
won |
I-90 Elite |
lost |
Boys Sophomores-To-Be (Gold Division)
Eric Gordon Central Stars |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Meanstreets Buggs |
won |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
lost |
King James Shooting Stars I |
won |
Ohio Varsity White |
lost |
Indiana Elite Blaze |
won |
The Family |
lost |
Chicago Lockdown |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
Indians Elite Team Indiana |
won |
West Michigan Lakers White |
lost |
Meanstreets Nunn |
won |
All Ohio Purple |
lost |
Seattle Rotary |
won |
King James Shooting Stars II |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat Reamer |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Grassroots Indiana 2015 |
won |
Who Got Game Dennis |
lost |
TP Elite |
won |
ACB Bank Hoops |
lost |
Playground Elite |
won |
Team NLP LJ |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Basketball Paradise |
lost |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
won |
DB Hoops Williams |
lost |
Indiana Elite Orange |
won |
Mac Irvin Fire |
lost |
MBA Select Black |
won |
Iowa Barnstormers |
lost |
Boys Juniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Uplay Canada |
won |
West Michigan Lakers Purple |
lost |
DB Hoops Gensley |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Cincinnati Phenoms |
won |
Basketball Paradise White |
lost |
Michigan Madness |
won |
Spiece Gym Rats Helmke |
lost |
ACB Bank Hoops |
won |
WI Starz |
lost |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
won |
DB Hoops Blanks |
lost |
Camp Darryl North |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
lost |
Team Illinois |
won |
Randolph Boys Club Blue |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Macomb County Cougars |
lost |
West Michigan Lakers White |
won |
DW Wildcats |
lost |
Ohio Varsity White |
won |
Rising Stars Red II |
lost |
Rising Stars Red I |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
Meansteets Ross |
won |
I-90 Elite |
lost |
Shining Star Sports Blue |
won |
Clutch Players Navy |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Michigan Titans |
lost |
Indiana Elite Hawk |
won |
Camp Darryl 2014 |
lost |
Uplay Canada |
won |
DB Hoops Gensley |
lost |
Cincinnati Phenoms |
won |
Michigan Madness |
lost |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
won |
ACB Bank Hoops |
lost |
Team Illinois |
won |
Camp Darryl North |
lost |
West Michigan Lakers White |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
lost |
Ohio Varsity White |
won |
Rising Stars Red I |
lost |
Shining Star Sports Blue |
won |
Meanstreets Ross |
lost |
Indiana Elite Hawk |
won |
The Family |
lost |
Boys Juniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
TP Elite |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
Seattle Rotary |
lost |
Randolph Boys Club White |
won |
Dorians Pride |
lost |
Indiana Fire |
won |
Meanstreets Wilburn |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Michigan Mustangs Mayfield |
lost |
King James Shooting Stars |
won |
MBA Green |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat Lands |
won |
Mid-Ohio Blue |
lost |
Playground Elite |
won |
World Class Basketball |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Ohio Gators |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs Barrett |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Ohio Basketball Club |
won |
MBA Black |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Eric Gordon All-Stars |
won |
Basketball Paradise Blue |
lost |
Team NLP JF |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
Spiece Indy Ice Thompson |
won |
Indiana Elite I |
lost |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Shining Star Sports Black |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
Iowa Barnstormers |
lost |
Indiana Fire |
won |
Randolph Boys Club White |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
King James Shooting Stars |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat Lands |
won |
Playground Elite |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Michigan Mustangs Barrett |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Ohio Basketball Club |
lost |
Eric Gordon All-Stars |
won |
Team NLP JF |
lost |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat Thompson |
lost |
Boys Seniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
The Warriors |
won |
Ohio Varsity |
lost |
Fieldhouse Elite Prospects |
won |
ACB Black |
lost |
Team NLP MA |
won |
Toledo Panthers |
lost |
Playground Elite |
won |
Ohio Venom |
lost |
Clutch Players |
won |
Indiana Elite Black |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Ohio Aces |
lost |
Camp Darryl 2013 |
won |
Spiece Gym Rats 2013 Adams |
lost |
Rising Stars Red II |
won |
Macomb County Cougars |
lost |
Indiana Elite Dakich |
won |
Randolph Boys Club |
lost |
ACB Bank Hoops |
won |
43 Hoops |
lost |
Rising Stars Red I |
won |
Team Yoke |
lost |
Indiana Elite Stars |
won |
Bulls Premier |
lost |
Seattle Rotary |
won |
Spiece North stars |
lost |
MBA 2013 |
won |
DB Hoops Marshall |
lost |
Waterloo Wildhawks |
won |
Hidden Gems White |
lost |
Mustang Ballers |
won |
I-90 Elite |
lost |
The Warriors |
won |
Fieldhouse Elite Prospects |
lost |
Playground Elite |
won |
Team NLP MA |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Clutch Players |
lost |
Camp Darryl 2013 |
won |
Rising Stars Red II |
lost |
Indiana Elite Dakich |
won |
ACB Bank Hoops |
lost |
Indiana Elite Stars |
won |
Rising Stars Red I |
lost |
Seattle Rotary |
won |
MBA 2013 |
lost |
Waterloo Wildhawks |
won |
Mustang Ballers |
lost |
Boys Seniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Franklin All-Stars |
lost |
WI Blizzard |
won |
WI Starz Elite |
lost |
Ohio Basketball Club |
won |
Spiece Higher Level |
lost |
Shining Star Sports Schaefer |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Martins Wolverines |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Chi-Town Diablos |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
Danny Granger D1 Ambassadors |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Cincinnati Phenoms |
lost |
Dorians Pride |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
King James Shooting Stars |
won |
Iowa Barnstormers |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
lost |
Illinois Attack |
won |
Next Level |
lost |
Club Elite Wildcats |
won |
Spiece Northwest Stars |
lost |
West Michigan Lakers |
won |
Team NLP TL |
lost |
Wisconsin Swing |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat |
lost |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
WI Blizzard |
lost |
Ohio Basketball Club |
won |
Shining star Sports Schaefer |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Dorians Pride |
won |
King James Shooting Stars |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Club Elite Wildcats |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
Wisconsin Swing |
won |
West Michigan Lakers |
lost |
Sunday May 6th
Tournament Bracket
Boys Freshman-To-Be (Gold Division)
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
All Ohio Elite |
won |
MBA Select |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Spiece Gym Rats Strine |
won |
Team Lima Black 2016 |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Spiece Hustle |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
All Ohio Elite |
won |
Mac Irvin Fire |
lost |
Semifinal |
Spiece Gym Rats Strine |
won |
Spiece Hustle |
lost |
Semifinal |
All Ohio Elite |
won |
Spiece Gym Rats Strine |
lost |
Championship |
Boys Sophomores-To-Be (Silver Division)
Hidden Gems Black |
won |
Ohio Gators |
lost |
Fieldhouse Elite Lightning |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
lost |
Wisconsin Bulldogs |
won |
All Ohio Black |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
lost |
Ohio Varsity |
won |
Spiece ECI |
lost |
MBA Select Green |
won |
All Ohio White |
lost |
Uplay Canada |
won |
Spiece Hoosier Hoops |
lost |
Dorians Pride |
won |
Randolph Boys Club |
lost |
Hidden Gems Black |
won |
Fieldhouse Elite Lightning |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Wisconsin Bulldogs |
won |
Michigan Mustangs |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Ohio Varsity |
won |
MBA Select Green |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Dorians Pride |
won |
Uplay Canada |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Wisconsin Bulldogs |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Semifinal |
Ohio Varsity |
won |
Dorians Pride |
lost |
Semifinal |
Wisconsin Bulldogs |
won |
Ohio Varsity |
lost |
Championship |
Boys Sophomores-To-Be (Gold Division)
Eric Gordon Central Stars |
won |
Meanstreets Buggs |
lost |
King James Shooting Stars I |
won |
Indiana Elite Blaze |
lost |
Indiana Elite Team Indiana |
won |
Chicago Lockdown |
lost |
Meanstreets Nunn |
won |
Seattle Rotary |
Spice Indy Heat Reamer |
won |
Grassroots Indiana 2015 |
lost |
Playground Elite |
won |
TP Elite |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
lost |
MBA Select Black |
won |
Indiana Elite Orange |
lost |
King James Shooting Stars I |
won |
Eric Gordon Central Stars |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Indiana Elite Team Indiana |
won |
Meanstreets Nunn |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Spiece Indy Heat Reamer |
won |
Playground Elite |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
MBA Select Black |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Indiana Elite Team Indiana |
won |
King James Shooting Stars I |
lost |
Semifinal |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat Reamer |
lost |
Semifinal |
Indiana Elite Team Indiana |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Championship |
Indiana Elite Team Indiana capped an excellent tournament and continued their impressive winning streak. Some of their key players included 5-10 Hyron Edwards (East Chicago Central) and 6-2 Chandler White (Ft. Wayne Carroll). This was a talented division including the Illinois Wolves, Spiece Indy Heat, Eric Gordon Central Stars, and King James Shooting Stars I also known as the Cincinnati Knights.
Boys Juniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Cincinnati Phenoms |
won |
Uplay Canada |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
won |
Team Illinois |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Ohio Varsity White |
won |
West Michigan Lakers White |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Shining Star Sports Blue |
won |
Indiana Elite Hawk |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Cincinnati Phenoms |
won |
R.E.A.C.H. Legends |
lost |
Semifinal |
Ohio Varsity White |
won |
Shining Star Sports Blue |
lost |
Semifinal |
Cincinnati Phenoms |
won |
Ohio Varsity White |
lost |
Championship |
Boys Juniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
Team Work |
won |
Indiana Fire |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat Lands |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Mac Irvin Fire |
won |
Eric Gordon All-Stars |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Semifinal |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Mac Irvin Fire |
lost |
Semifinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Championship |
Coach Ellis Myles Louisville Magic captured the championship with an 8-0 record this weekend and a victory over All Ohio Red for the title. Magic was without the services of one of their stars DAngelo Russell. Louisville Magic was led this weekend by 6-1 Quentin Snider (Ballard) but also got good performances from 6-2 Brandon Hatton (Dixie Heights), 6-6 Trey Grundy, 6-5 Jordan Green, and 6-2 Christen Cunningham (Henry Clay), 6-4 Lamontray Harris (PRP), 6-2 Craig Owens (Trinity), and Jeremiah Bell (Butler).
All Ohio Red got good performances from 6-4 JoeSean Tate (Pickerington Central), 6-5 Evan Bailey (Massillion Jackson), 6-5 Rosel Hurley (Shaker Heights), and 6-5 Eric James (Westerville North). Team Work was led by 6-7 Peyton Aldridge (Leavittsburg LaBrae).
Boys Seniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Playground Elite |
won |
The Warriors |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Camp Darryl 2013 |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Indiana Elite Stars |
won |
Indiana Elite Dakich |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Seattle Rotary |
won |
Waterloo Wildhawks |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
won |
Playground Elite |
lost |
Semifinal |
Indiana Elite Stars |
won |
Seattle Rotary |
lost |
Semifinal |
Indiana Elite Stars |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Orange |
lost |
Championship |
Boys Seniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
Ohio Basketball Club |
won |
Mac Irvin Fire |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
The Family |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Dorians Pride |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Wisconsin Swing |
won |
Club Elite Wildcats |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
The Family |
won |
Ohio Basketball Club |
lost |
Semifinal |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Wisconsin Swing |
lost |
Semifinal |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
The Family |
forfeit |
Championship |
Michigan Mustangs won the championship on a forfeit over The Family when several of their players cramped up and could not play. The Mustangs were led by 6-1 Monte Morris (Beecher High School) and Derrick Walton. Some of the other top players in this division included Mac Irvins 6-8 Jabari Parker (Chicago Simeon), 6-11 Jahlil Okafor (Whitney Young), The Familys 6-6 James Young (Troy High), Martins Wolverines 6-10 Maverick Morgan (Springboro), Spiece Indy Heats 6-7 Tre Lyles (Ind. Arsenal), and 6-4 JaQuan Lyle (Evansville Bosse).
As usual this event was loaded with great teams and talented performers at all age groups. Note several players played up in this event. Please check the event website and all the blogs and coverage of the many recruiting gurus who covered this fine event for their in-depth observations and evaluations of the teams and players.